Ways to Overcome Procrastination as a Student

Ways to Overcome Procrastination as a Student

Procrastination can be a major problem in any stage of life, whether you’re in the classroom or working with clients.

The good news, though, is that overcoming it isn’t impossible!

Here are ways you can overcome procrastination as a student, so you can be sure to get the most out of your studies and assignments.

Ways to overcome Procrastination as a student

1) Change Your Mindset

In order to stop procrastinating, you need to change your mindset. Instead of thinking about the task at hand, think about the benefits that will come from completing it.

When faced with a difficult task or assignment, create an action plan that includes: creating deadlines and breaking larger tasks into smaller ones; find out what triggers your procrastination and avoid those triggers; and reward yourself when you complete an item on your list.

Another important step is getting enough sleep.

Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to engage in risky behaviours like smoking, drinking alcohol and doing drugs.

Also, when we are exhausted our stress levels go up and this can lead us to make decisions based on our emotions instead of logic which only leads us down a path towards more procrastination.

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If you want to start any new project, but lack the motivation or confidence to finish it, try breaking it up into several parts so they seem less daunting.

Even if you know how long each part should take, do not write down a deadline for any of them until after all of them are completed.

This technique has helped me tremendously doubly when it comes to my school work.

It also helps me maintain my self-confidence and pride because I am always able to see that I am making progress by following through with my plan.

2) Set Smaller Goals

One way to overcome procrastination is by setting smaller goals. If you have a big project that needs to be done, break it down into smaller tasks and set deadlines for each task.

This will make it easier for you to focus on one thing at a time without feeling overwhelmed.

Another tip is not to overwhelm yourself with all the work that needs to be done in order for the project or assignment meet your expectations.

Start by doing what you can do right now, then keep moving forward as time allows. The most important thing is to just get started because if you start today, there’s nothing stopping you from finishing tomorrow!

Set aside some time every day (even if it’s just 15 minutes) to do something productive.

Consider it an investment in your future:

Ways to Overcome Procrastination as a Student

You know that you need to take care of yourself now so that you’re healthy later, but sometimes making healthier choices feels too hard when you’re tired or hungry.

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Take care of yourself by taking care of your studies now so that they don’t come back to haunt you later!

Schedule blocks of time during which you’ll devote only to studying.

Keep these times sacred and don’t let anything distract you; turn off your phone, tell friends/family that this time is non-negotiable–you won’t even check social media during this period.

The reward will be worth the discipline: Your grades won’t suffer because your mind isn’t muddled with other thoughts and responsibilities, and you’ll find that the long-term payoff of better grades outweighs any temporary feelings of inconvenience.

Take Breaks

It is important to take breaks from studying. Studying for an extended period of time can lead to fatigue, which will make it more difficult for you to focus when you get back to work.

Take five minutes every hour and step away from your work.

Stretch your legs, drink some water, or go chat with friends.

You will find that taking these small breaks actually helps you stay focused on your work for longer periods of time than if you were just sitting at the desk the whole time.

Keep Yourself Organized:

Another way to avoid procrastinating as a student is by keeping yourself organized. Students are often faced with so many different tasks they need to accomplish in a short amount of time.

However, this is not always realistic. In order to overcome this challenge, it is helpful to plan ahead and set deadlines for all tasks you need completed.

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Plan how much time each task will take and then divide that number by two- this gives you how much time per day you should allot for completing each task.

Make sure you keep your list close by and check off items as they are completed.

Having something concrete to refer back to may help alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed.

Break Up Your Work Into Smaller Chunks:

There is no doubt that as a student, you have a lot of reading to do.

And there is no easy way to say it – reading piles and piles of text can be boring!

Instead of tackling one long assignment all at once, break up the workload into smaller chunks throughout the week.

For example, read for 30 minutes during breakfast on Monday, 30 minutes before bed on Tuesday, 45 minutes over lunch on Wednesday and 45 minutes before dinner Thursday.


Students are notorious for procrastinating. Whether it be studying for an exam, writing a paper, or finishing their homework, students often find themselves putting things off until the last minute.

This can lead to increased stress and anxiety when it comes time for the task at hand.

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