85 Smart Journal Prompts that Your Middle Schoolers Will Enjoy!

Journaling is an excellent way to encourage self-expression, reflection, and personal growth in middle schoolers. 

By providing thought-provoking prompts, you can inspire your students to delve deeper into their thoughts and feelings, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. 

This topic will explore a collection of 85 smart journal prompts for middle schoolers. These prompts cover various topics, from personal experiences and goals to ethical dilemmas and social issues. 

By encouraging your students to journal with these prompts regularly, you can empower them to explore their identities, develop their writing skills, and better understand themselves and the world around them. 

Read on to discover 85 smart journal prompts for middle schoolers. These creative Writing Prompts for Middle School students are educative and informative.

Table of contents

What are Journal Prompts?

Journal prompts are a powerful tool to facilitate self-reflection and personal growth. Questions or statements prompt you to write about specific topics, experiences, emotions, or thoughts.

Journal prompts can help you explore your inner world, uncover subconscious patterns and beliefs, develop your creativity, boost your self-awareness and mindfulness skills, improve your writing skills, manage stress and anxiety, and increase your gratitude and appreciation for life.

Benefits of Middle Schoolers Journal

Middle school students can benefit greatly from journaling in a variety of ways. Here are a few of the main advantages of journal prompts for middle schoolers:

1. Emotional Release:

Middle school may be a difficult and trying time for many adolescents. They can express and process their emotions safely and privately in journals.

It enables individuals to express their grievances, investigate their ideas, and consider their past, which enhances their emotional well-being.

2. Self-expression:

Journaling fosters creativity and self-expression. Students in middle school are permitted to write about their thoughts, goals, and objectives. It aids in developing communication skills and voice discovery, boosting their self-awareness and self-confidence.

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85 Smart Journal Prompts that Your Middle Schoolers Will Enjoy

Sure! Here are 85 smart journal prompts that middle schoolers might enjoy:

1. What is something you’re currently curious about? Why?

What is the process of photosynthesis, and how does it work? I want to understand how plants produce their own food.

2. Describe a time when you had to overcome a challenge. How did you do it?

When I struggled with a difficult math problem, I asked my teacher for help and practiced regularly until I understood the concept and solved the problem successfully.

3. If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and how would you use it?

If I could have the power of telepathy, I would use it to understand people better, communicate effectively, and foster empathy and understanding among individuals.

4. Write about a book or movie that impacted you and why.

The book/movie “Wonder” has impacted me deeply because it teaches the importance of kindness, acceptance, and embracing differences in a world that sometimes focuses on appearances.

5. What is your favorite subject in school, and why?

My favorite subject in school is science because I enjoy conducting experiments, exploring the natural world, and understanding the principles behind various phenomena.

6. If you could invent something, what would it be, and how would it benefit people?

I would invent a device that translates any language instantly, facilitating communication and understanding among people from different cultures and backgrounds.

7. Write about a person who inspires you and explain why.

My older sibling inspires me because they work hard, pursue their dreams with determination, and always support and encourage me to do my best.

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8. What is your favorite quote? Explain what it means to you.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” This quote means that having self-belief and a positive mindset are crucial in achieving one’s goals, and that confidence can propel you forward.

9. Where would you go and why if you could travel anywhere?

I would love to travel to Japan because I am fascinated by its rich culture, history, and unique blend of modernity and tradition.

10. Write a letter to your future self. What advice or questions would you include?

Dear future me, always remember to stay true to yourself, embrace new experiences, and never stop pursuing your passions. How have you grown since today, and what valuable life lessons have you learned?

11. Write about a time when you felt a sense of belonging. What made you feel connected and accepted?

Reflect on a specific experience or situation where you felt a strong sense of belonging. Describe the circumstances, people, or activities that made you feel connected and accepted. Explore the emotions you experienced and why they were significant to you.

12. What is your favorite thing to do on weekends or during free time? Why does it bring you joy?

Consider an activity or hobby that you particularly enjoy during your free time. Describe what it is and why it brings you joy. Discuss the reasons behind your enjoyment, such as the sense of accomplishment, relaxation, creativity, or fulfillment it provides.

13. If you could be the protagonist of a movie, what type of movie would it be and why?

Imagine yourself as the main character in a movie. Consider the genre or type of movie you would choose to be a part of and explain why it appeals to you. Discuss the adventures, challenges, or themes you would like to explore in that movie.

14. Write about when you had to step out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from the experience?

Recall a situation or opportunity where you had to push past your comfort zone, try something new, or face a challenge. Describe the experience and explain how it felt. 

15. What is one skill you would like to develop or improve? How will you practice and develop it?

Identify a skill that you would like to work on. It could be something academic, creative, athletic, or interpersonal. Describe the skill and explain why it is important to you. 

16. Describe when you felt you positively impacted someone’s life. What did you do?

Reflect on a specific instance where you believe you made a positive difference in someone’s life. Describe the situation, your actions, and its impact on the other person. 

17. If you could converse with a famous scientist, who would you choose, and what would you ask?

Imagine the opportunity to engage in a conversation with a renowned scientist. Choose a scientist and explain why you would like to talk to them. 

18. Write about when you felt proud of your cultural or family background. What makes it special?

Reflect on your cultural or family background and identify a moment when you felt great pride. Describe the specific event, tradition, value, or aspect of your culture or family that made you proud. 

19. What is your favorite way to show kindness towards others? Why is it important to spread kindness?

Consider how you prefer to demonstrate kindness towards others. It could be through acts of service, words of encouragement, or simply being a good listener. Describe your favorite way of showing kindness and explain why it is meaningful. 

20. If you could time travel to any era in the future, when would you go, and what would you hope to see?

Imagine traveling to the future and choosing a specific time period. Describe the era you want to visit and explain why you find it intriguing. Discuss what you hope to see, experience, or learn from that particular period. 

21. Write about a time when you had to forgive someone. How did forgiveness benefit you?

 Reflect on a situation where you must forgive someone who may have hurt or wronged you. Describe the circumstances and emotions surrounding the incident. Discuss the process of forgiveness and how it benefited you personally, such as releasing negative emotions, fostering healing, or restoring relationships.

22. Describe a time when you felt challenged by a problem. How did you approach finding a solution?

Recall a time when you faced a challenging problem or obstacle. Describe the problem and the difficulties you encountered. Explain the steps you took to find a solution, including any strategies, resources, or support you sought. 

23. What is one thing you appreciate about your school? How does it contribute to your learning?

Identify something about your school that you genuinely appreciate. It could be a specific teacher, a program, a resource, or another aspect. Describe what you appreciate and explain how it contributes to your learning experience, academic growth, or overall well-being.

24. If you could talk with a famous artist, who would you choose, and what would you discuss?

Imagine conversing with a renowned artist from any artistic field, such as painting, music, literature, or dance. Choose an artist and explain why you would like to converse with them.

Discuss the topics or aspects of their artistry that you would like to discuss, whether it’s their creative process, inspirations, or messages conveyed through their work.

25. Write about a time when you felt inspired by nature. What aspect of nature captivated you?

This prompt encourages you to reflect on a specific experience when nature profoundly impacted you. It could be a beautiful sunset, a mountain hike, or even observing a flower blooming. Describe the details and how it made you feel.

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26. Describe a time when you had to confront a fear. How did you find the courage to face it?

   This prompt asks you to recall a moment when you faced a fear or a phobia. Explain the fear and how you managed to overcome it. Discuss the steps you took and the emotions you experienced during the process.

27. If you could talk with a historical figure, who would you choose, and what would you talk about?

   Imagine the opportunity to engage in a conversation with someone from the past. Select a historical figure that intrigues you and explain why you want to talk to them. 

28. Write about when you had to navigate a disagreement with a friend. How did you resolve the conflict?

   Reflect on a disagreement or conflict you had with a friend. Describe the situation and explain how you worked towards resolving the issue. Discuss your strategies to communicate, compromise, and find a resolution.

29. What is one small act of kindness you can do today to make someone’s day better?

Consider a simple gesture you can do to brighten someone else’s day. It could be as small as offering a genuine compliment, helping someone with a task, or expressing gratitude. Describe the act of kindness and how it would impact the recipient.

30. If you could be any character from a fairy tale, who would you be and why?

Explore your imagination and select a character from a fairy tale that you would like to be. Explain why you are drawn to that particular character and what qualities or experiences you find fascinating about them.

31. Write about a time when you felt a strong gratitude towards someone in your life. What did they do to deserve it?

Recall a moment when you experienced deep gratitude towards someone you know. Explain why you felt grateful and what actions or qualities of that person contributed to your appreciation.

32. Describe a time when you had to make a decision that went against the opinions of others. How did you handle it?

Reflect on a situation where you had to make a choice that differed from what others expected or advised. Discuss how you approached the decision-making process, considered factors, and dealt with challenges or criticism.

33. If you could converse with a world leader, who would you choose, and what would you discuss?

Imagine having a meaningful conversation with a current or past world leader. Choose a leader and explain why you would want to engage with them. Describe the topics or issues you would like to discuss and the impact you hope to make through the conversation.

34. Write about a time when you experienced failure. How did you learn from it and move forward?

Reflect on a specific instance when you faced failure or setbacks. Describe the situation and how it made you feel. Discuss the lessons you learned from the experience and how you used those lessons to grow and move forward.

35. What is one goal you would like to achieve before the end of the school year? How will you work towards it?

Identify a goal you want to accomplish before the school year concludes. It could be academic, personal, or extracurricular. Describe the goal and outline the steps you plan to take to achieve it.

36. If you could create a new subject to be taught in school, what would it be and why?

This journal prompt encourages you to use your imagination and think about a subject that you believe should be taught in schools but currently isn’t. 

More Journal Prompts for Middle Schoolers

37. Write about when you experienced a strong emotion, such as joy, anger, or sadness.

38. What is one thing you would like to change about the world? Why is it important to you?

39. Write about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did you decide what to do?

40. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

41. What is your favorite hobby or activity? Why do you enjoy it?

42. Write about a time when you felt like an outsider. How did you handle the situation?

43. What is your biggest dream for the future? How do you plan to achieve it?

44. Describe a place that makes you feel calm and peaceful. Why does it have that effect on you?

45. Write about a time when you had to work as part of a team. What was the experience like?

46. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

47. Write about a time when you felt scared or nervous. How did you overcome those feelings?

48. What is one thing you would like to learn or improve about yourself? Why is it important to you?

49. Describe a time when you had to apologize to someone. How did you handle the situation?

50. If you could be an expert in any field, what would it be and why?

Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School

51. Write about a time when you had to persevere through a difficult task or project.

52. What is your favorite quote from a book or movie? Why does it resonate with you?

53. What would you want to know if you could converse with your future self?

54. Write about a time when you felt grateful for something or someone.

55. Describe a time when you witnessed an act of kindness. How did it make you feel?

56. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose and why?

57. Write about a time when you felt like giving up. How did you find the motivation to keep going?

58. What is your favorite thing about yourself? Why do you value that quality?

59. If you could have a magical ability, what would it be and how would you use it?

60. Write about a time when you helped someone else. How did it make you feel?

61. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself? How do you plan to work on it?

62. Describe when you had to stand up for something you believe in. How did it go?

63. If you could live in any historical period, which one would you choose and why?

64. Write about a time when you had to compromise with someone.

65. What is your favorite way to express yourself creatively? Why does it resonate with you?

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Fun Middle Schoolers Journal Prompts

Some of the other fun Middle schoolers’ Journal Prompts include:

66. If you could spend a day with a famous person, who would you choose and what would you do together?

67. Write about a time when you felt proud of a friend or family member. What did they accomplish?

68. What is one thing you want to see or experience in your lifetime? Why is it important to you?

69. Describe when you felt like you didn’t fit in. How did you cope with that feeling?

70. If you could have a conversation with a character from a book, who would you choose and why?

71. Write about when you had to adapt to a new situation. How did you handle the change?

72. What is your favorite way to relax and de-stress? Why does it help you feel calm?

73. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would people celebrate it?

74. Write about a time when you felt inspired by someone younger than you. What did they do to inspire you?

75. What is one thing you would like to learn more about? How do you plan to explore that topic?

76. Describe a time when you had to apologize to yourself. How did you make amends and move forward?

77. If you could have a dinner party with three fictional characters, who would you invite and why?

78. Write about a time when you had to show empathy towards someone. How did you support them?

79. What is your favorite way to give back to your community? Why is it important to you?

80. If you could be a character in any book, who would you choose and why?

81. Write about a time when you felt challenged to think differently. What sparked that shift in perspective?

82. What is one thing you would like to accomplish by the end of this year? How will you work towards it?

83. Describe a time when you had to make a sacrifice for someone else. Why was it worth it?

84. If you could converse with an animal, which one would you choose and what would you ask?

85. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what is the one thing you would want to have with you?

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Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection, self-expression, and personal growth. The 85 smart journal prompts here offer various topics that middle schoolers can explore and enjoy. 

These prompts cover various aspects of their lives, encouraging them to delve into their emotions, experiences, aspirations, and perspectives.

These 85 smart journal prompts offer a valuable resource for middle schoolers to self-reflect, promote personal growth, and cultivate lifelong journaling habits. 

Through exploring these prompts, middle schoolers can enhance their writing skills, develop their emotional intelligence, and deepen their understanding of themselves and the world.

Middle School Journal Prompt FAQs 

How can journaling with these prompts benefit middle schoolers?

Journaling with these prompts can benefit middle schoolers in several ways. It helps improve their writing skills, encourages self-expression, and promotes self-reflection. Journaling can enhance their emotional intelligence, develop critical thinking abilities, and foster creativity. It also provides an outlet for stress relief, promotes mindfulness, and boosts self-confidence.

Can these prompts be used in a classroom setting?

Absolutely! These prompts can be used in a classroom setting as a daily journaling activity, as part of writing assignments, or as prompts for classroom discussions. They can spark meaningful conversations, encourage students to share their thoughts and experiences, and promote a supportive and inclusive learning environment.



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