How many jobs are available in military/government/technical in 2023

When looking up how many jobs are available in military/government/technical it is good to know that the public sector isn’t as lucrative as the private sector, but it does come with some advantages.

Although they don’t pay much, they have a good reputation for having little turnover and great benefits. 

They also have the benefit of allowing you to gain professional experience. 

Therefore, if you decide to change jobs later, the experience you obtained on the job greatly increases your marketability.

Armed services careers provide you the privilege of serving your country as well as many advantages. 

The many military branches train its members in a wide range of professions, giving you the freedom to follow a route that suits you and, if you so desire, preparing you for a successful career in the civilian world.

In this article we will discuss how many jobs are available in military/government/technical and how you can get one in 2023. Let’s dive in.

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How many jobs are available in military/government/technical

To answer the question; how many jobs are available in military/government/technical we gathered data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that there are 800 jobs available in military, 1.8 million in government.

The entry requirements, training possibilities, and other details of military vocations are covered in handbooks, fact sheets, and pamphlets that are published by each of the military services. 

All recruiting stations, the majority of state job service offices, high schools, colleges, and public libraries stock these magazines. 

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Even if a job in public service isn’t typically as profitable as the alternative, it is still possible to earn well if you have a lot of experience and expertise. 

To succeed in these positions, one needs a lot of education, training, and/or skill.

If you’re looking for how many jobs are available in military/government/technical here is a list of few;

1. Military Intelligence Analyst

  • Average Annual Salary: $68,000

The military operates with the use of intelligence in a crucial way. 

While crucial in real combat, intelligence is also important in determining prospective dangers and how to respond to them in non-combat situations.

Depending on their area of concentration, military intelligence analysts have a variety of jobs. 

But they spend a lot of time analyzing sensitive data and drawing conclusions from it. Based on their findings, they also give leadership advice.

2. Military Pilot

  • Average Annual Salary: $114,000

Depending on the military branch they are in and the type of aircraft they fly, military pilots may have a wide range of responsibilities.

 Although the Navy has a big number of pilots as well, especially aboard aircraft carriers, the majority of them will be in the Air Force.

Additionally, military pilots aren’t only confined to flying fixed-wing aircraft; they can also pilot helicopters, especially if they’re in the Army or the Coast Guard.

3. Legislative Analyst

  • Average Annual Salary: $72,000

Legislative analysts, as the name suggests, study laws and regulations. They’ll work on a draft bill’s specifics and consider all the implications. 

To stay informed about developments and the positions of other lawmakers, they will also follow hearings on the subject.

A must-have are excellent reading and communication abilities. 

In order to comprehend the difficulties potential legislation faces and the results it will have, they also need to have a solid understanding of policy and the legislative process. 

They are used by lobbying companies and legislative offices alike.

4. Civil Engineer

  • Average Annual Salary: $76,000

Every branch of the military relies on engineering. However, because they work with various forms of transportation, civil engineers play a significant role.

They specialize in building roads, bridges, and railroads. 

This implies that if the unit needs to construct a bridge in order to advance, engineers can advise them on how to do it, what materials they’ll need, and whether all of their equipment will be able to cross.

5. Captain

  • Average Annual Salary: $55,000

Different meanings apply to this rank in various military branches. The one who is most well-known, nevertheless, is the ship’s captain. 

This is a highly trained post with enormous responsibility in the Navy and Coast Guard; this duty increases with the size and value of the ship.

6. Governor

  • Average Annual Salary: $72,000

In a political system, a state’s governor serves as its head of state. It’s uncommon to become governor without having held a lower office previously. 

The rules of the state that elected the governor will determine how much authority and responsibility they have, but it is unquestionably a prominent job.

Appointments and pardons are only a few of the political and economic decisions that are made by governors in each state. 

They must be able to cooperate with the legislature to pass legislation, deal with any state-wide crises, and attend to the complaints and wishes of their citizens.

7. Senator

  • Average Annual Salary: N/A

Although there are state senators in the majority of states, most people think of the federal senate when they hear the word senator. 

For a period of six years, national senators serve as the voice of their entire state. To enact legislation, they must be able to cooperate with other senators, as well as with members of Congress and the Executive branch.

Expectations for senators are typically higher than those for congresspeople because the Senate is seen as the higher and more elegant body in our legislative branch.

8. Military Aircraft Designer

  • Average Annual Salary: $86,000

Although the military outsources the production of its own aircraft to commercial businesses, the process of developing military aircraft is intricate and exact.

Engineers at the business awarded the contract, like Lockheed Martin, will be responsible for much of the design, but the military has specific needs depending on the aircraft’s intended use.

9. Political Advisor

  • Average Annual Salary: $70,000

Political consultants can work outside of government, advising businesses on the shifting political landscape. 

However, they are also crucial for the operation of an administration and during political campaigns. 

Political advisors take political consequences into account when recommending policies and measures, looking at how they will be perceived.

10. Military police officers 

  • Average Annual Salary: $41,000

The Uniform Code of Military Justice is followed by the armed forces, therefore their laws and regulations are somewhat different from those of the general public. 

As a result, they have their own legal representatives, judges, and police to decide whether or not a crime was committed and what should be done about it.

While military police officers have many of the same responsibilities as ordinary police officers, they are only allowed to patrol the military. 

They look into crimes, detain persons accused of committing them, and give testimony if necessary. 

Additionally, they will assist in guarding dignitaries and government officials, among other police-related tasks.

11. Legislative Assistant

  • Average Annual Salary: $60,000

They sometimes known as legislative aides, might work for a charitable organization, an advocacy group, or a legislative office. 

Legislative assistants provide a variety of services to assist lawmakers in doing their tasks.

They can conduct research, arrange meetings, or offer the crucial assistance that legislators require. 

They frequently have connections with organizations related to the subject in which they specialize.

12. Government documents librarian

  • Average Annual Salary: $51,000

Public access to government records is needed to be archived. 

The keepers, sorters, and authorities on these records are librarians who specialize in government documents.

They may work for a university or for a government organization like the National Archives. 

Sorting, planning, and assisting customers or pupils in finding what they need are among their responsibilities.

13. City Council member

  • Average Annual Salary: $63,000

A politician’s career typically begins in local government. Many people realize they aren’t interested in “advancing” and choose to remain in local politics. 

Starting in a local government post like the city council is a good option no matter what you think you might decide.

Depending on where you are, the duties and power associated with this position will be very different. 

A council member in Los Angeles, for example, will be considerably more engaged than one in a small city. 

City council members must be conversant with local laws, cooperative with other council members, and receptive to the public.

14. National guard member

  • Average Annual Salary: N/A

The National Guard serves as an intermediary force in several aspects. 

They are a military unit with some police authority, which is why they will be used in riots and calamities.

Since the majority of National Guard personnel are reserve, they are typically not called to active service and conduct themselves as civilians. 

The majority of the time, national guard members will work at regular occupations and live in the civilian world.

15. Sailor

  • Average Annual Salary: N/A

Serving in the Navy are sailors. You must be ready to spend a lot of time at sea if you decide to join the Navy. 

The Navy is in charge of the ships, submarines, and marine aircraft that patrol the oceans. 

Many Navy personnel will serve tours at sea, spending months away from their homes and loved ones.


Jobs in the public sector offer a few advantages that private sector employment does not. Security and benefits are the key ones, but they also provide training and entice staff to stay. 

Additionally, if you are looking for how many jobs are available in military/government/technical, joining the military or the government gives up a wide range of options.

If you’re considering a career in this field, there are some qualities that are advised.

  • The public interest is calling. The fundamental argument for working for the government or in the armed forces is that you are serving your country. A work in this industry is probably not for you if that doesn’t sound rewarding to you.
  • You’re skilled at following directions. Following orders is crucial, particularly in the military. In addition, you must be able to accomplish it quickly and effectively. It is not a good idea to join the military if you have trouble following directions or dislike being told what to do.
  • You value specific details. Details matter a lot in law, technology, and military matters. This career path might be right for you if you enjoy delving deep and learning everything there is to know about something.
  • You enjoy teamwork. It’s extremely uncommon to work alone in the public sector. You need to be able to work with people who have very diverse opinions and goals if you want to accomplish anything, especially in politics. Additionally, you are always a member of a team or a unit when serving in the military.

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You can advance in this field with a wide range of degrees if you’re wondering how many jobs are available in military/government/technical, but there are other ways to do it without them. 

Here are some degrees to think about if you already have one or are planning to earn one.

  • Political science. Politics and some military posts both benefit greatly from having this degree. It talks about politics and how it affects how people and countries operate.
  • Applied military sciences. To be effective militarily, one needs to possess a variety of skills. The most effective approaches to defense, conflict, and diplomacy are covered in this degree.
  • Defense military technology. It cannot be stressed how much of this concentrates on the technological components of the military and battle.
  • Law. Since many politicians hold law degrees, it is simpler for them to draft legislation and comprehend how the legal system functions.
  • Logistics. The role of logistics in conflict and defense is crucial. You won’t be effective if you can’t deliver the troops or supplies where you need them.
  • Analysis of public policy. This specialist degree focuses on the results of legislation and how the general public responds to them.
  • Intelligence Operations. A degree in this field of study covers all facets of intelligence work, including data analysis, image analysis, and information collecting from sources.
  • Engineering. You can enter a variety of engineering careers with this degree.


People who work in the military/government,

/technical are employed by one of these three institutions. 

Both of these institutions provide a variety of distinct functions. The military is involved in diplomacy, warfare (if necessary), and national defense. 

The government manages our nation’s operations as well as foreign policy, logistics, and emergency situations.

You have a lot of options if you’re wondering how many jobs are available in military/government/technical depending on the type of career you choose,

You can choose to work in analysis, combat, diplomacy, politics, or other fields; this is by no means a comprehensive list.

Since the functions and responsibilities of the various military and governmental branches vary greatly, you can pursue practically any field of study and yet engage in public service.

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In conclusion, high-paying jobs with specialized training and education are available in military/government/technical. 

These fields offer good employment options for anyone looking for challenging and fulfilling work, and they are crucial to our national security and economy. 

Examine the jobs listed above if you’re interested in knowing how many jobs are available in military/government/technical.


What dangers come with a military career?

Physical harm or mental health problems, exposure to danger, protracted absence from family and loved ones, and the potential for deployment to combat zones are some potential risks of a military career.

What kinds of jobs are available in military/government/technical?

There are several government jobs available, ranging from technical and scientific positions to administrative and clerical ones. Law enforcement personnel, diplomats, regulatory officials, and intelligence analysts are a few examples of positions held by government employees.

What advantages do government careers offer?

Stable employment, competitive pay and benefits, room for growth, and the chance to have a significant impact on society are some possible advantages of a career in government.

Is joining the military a wise career choice in 2023?

For some people in 2023, a military career may be the best choice. It provides steady employment, chances for growth, and distinctive experiences that might enhance civilian life. The hazards, difficulties, and level of dedication needed for a military career should all be carefully considered, though.

What are the dangers of working in government?

A career in government could come with a number of dangers, including a competitive hiring process, potential political and administrative roadblocks, and the chance of being vulnerable to shifting goals and policies.

How many jobs are available in military/government/technical?

To answer the question; how many jobs are available in military/government/technical we gathered data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that there are 800 jobs available in military, 1.8 million in government.



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