7 Ways to Reduce Your Workload in School

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Most students at some point feel like their workload in school is too much to handle.

If you’re one of these students, it can be tough to know where and how to cut back your workload in order to reduce stress, lower your stress level, and pass your classes.

Here are 7 ways you can reduce your workload in school, especially during stressful times like midterms or finals week.

1) Get organized

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you are faced with a mountain of assignments and exams.

But before you start panicking, take a step back and get organized!
Here are some tips on how to tackle your workload:

– Break up your tasks into manageable chunks. If you have five projects due on the same day, set aside two days for them.

– Keep track of deadlines through a calendar or planner. Include any information that can help you stay on top of upcoming deadlines like exam dates or project milestones.

Plan out your time so that you can take care of the important things first while leaving enough time left over to relax.

2) Set priorities

7 Ways to Reduce Your Workload in School

Setting priorities is a good way to reduce your workload. You should set the priority for each assignment and make sure you are following it.

For example, if you have a paper due on Monday but a test on Tuesday, prioritize which one you will start with first.

Another way to reduce your workload is by using time wisely.

You can do this by planning out your day or week ahead of time and making sure that all of your assignments are due on the same days and at the same times.

Doing this will allow you to work on your more difficult tasks when you are most alert and less likely to get distracted.

Before I go to bed I also review what I learned from my lectures during the day so that I can take better notes the next day when we cover those topics again in class.

Lastly, read through your syllabus before starting any new assignments so that you know what type of work is expected from you.

3) Simplify your schedule

One of the easiest ways to reduce your workload is by simplifying your schedule.

If you’re taking more than four classes, it’s a good idea to revisit your course selection and see if there are any classes you can drop or swap out for easier ones.

This will not only reduce your workload, but will also allow you to focus on the most important aspects of each class.

You may find that some courses overlap and as a result you don’t need to take both.

It’s always best to talk with your professors about dropping courses because they have final say over whether this would be allowed.

4) Take advantage of technology

One of the best ways to reduce your workload is to take advantage of technology and use it as a tool.

This includes using apps for research, collaboration, and other things. You can also take advantage of online courses from MOOCs like Coursera or EdX, which have assignments and deadlines that you can complete at your own pace.

The downside with these options is that they might not be recognized by your school’s credit system, but it’s worth checking into before deciding not to do them.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and want someone else’s input on how to balance everything, make an appointment with the teacher for help organizing your work schedule.

Sometimes this will involve changing around some of the dates of homework or projects so that everything doesn’t pile up on one day or week.

5) Don’t procrastinate

One of the easiest ways to reduce your workload is by not procrastinating. It’s very common for students to put off their work until the last minute, even though they know it won’t help them.

The problem with this is that when you finally sit down and get started on a project, you’re already behind and have less time to finish it.

Procrastination also leads to increased anxiety because there’s always more work piling up that you don’t want to do.

If you really want to reduce your workload, start working on projects as soon as possible.

You’ll be able to spend more time working and less time stressing about what’s due.

6) Cut down on distractions

One way to reduce your workload is by cutting down on distractions.

If you are constantly checking your phone, scrolling through social media or playing video games while doing work, this will take away from the time you have and make it harder for you to focus.

Try putting your phone away and turning off notifications so that it’s not so tempting.

Some people find it helpful to create a designated space outside of their dorms where they can go when they need a break or a change of scenery.

You could also try studying at the library if you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of your schoolwork.

It may be difficult at first to cut out these distractions, but over time you’ll find that it helps improve productivity and reduces stress levels.

7) Seek help when needed

It may not be easy, but if you’re struggling with your workload then it’s time to seek help.

Whether you need a study buddy, someone to go over notes with you before an exam, or just someone who will hold you accountable for all of your assignments, it’s time to reach out and ask for the assistance that you deserve.

Don’t let yourself get stuck behind a task that can be done today; make sure to set aside some time each day to complete the work on your plate so you can get back to enjoying life outside of school!


In summary, there are many ways you can reduce your workload in school.

The most important thing is that you take control of your life and try to find a balance.

If you’re struggling with finding a balance, come talk to someone on campus that can help.

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