Have you applied for the University of Birmingham Global Scholarships yet? If NO, don’t worry as this article will provide you with everything you need to now about this scholarship.
Brief Description
Students from certain countries can get a £10,000 scholarship from the University of Birmingham to take a one-year taught Master’s program there in 2022-2023.
Institution(s) hosting
The University of Birmingham is in the UK.
Study field
Master’s degree programs taught for one year that are eligible and offered by the University
The number of prizes
Target Group
Students from the following countries are not from the United States:
Algeria, Canada, China (PRC), Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong (SAR of PRC), India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Seychelles, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Worth of University of Birmingham Global Scholarships
$10,000 to help pay for school fees
Candidates should meet the following requirements in order to be eligible. Candidates must:
• Have received and accepted an offer to study for a taught Master’s degree at the University of Birmingham UK Campus in the 2022–2023 school year.
• Be considered “domiciled” in one of the countries that are eligible (see above)
• Be considered an overseas fee payer by the University for tuition fee purposes.
• Start classes at the University in September or October 2022 for a course that will be taught on campus.
• Paid the standard admissions deposit of £2,000 by June 30, 2022.
• Have excellent grades and be able to show proof of this in your scholarship application statement. Also, candidates must have or expect to get a first class overall grade (at least 70% in the UK system) in a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
How to Apply
You must have accepted an offer of admission to a Masters degree at Birmingham before submitting a scholarship application. You must submit the scholarship application online before 30 June 2022 at 23:59 (UK time / GMT+1).
It is important to visit the official website (links found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Application Deadline
30 June 2022 (annual)