Singapore Math vs Everyday Math [ Best Choice]

math mammoth vs singapore math
Small child mathematics student thinking on background with lightbulb and math formulas. Kid ideas

This is a detailed comparison of Singapore Math vs Everyday Math and in this article, I and you will be looking at which one is more effective. Let’s get started

Mathematics is a subject that is universally taught and is considered a core subject in many educational systems. However, the approach to teaching math varies from one country to another. Two popular methods used in teaching math are Singapore Math and Everyday Math.

Both methods have their unique features, and in this article, I will compare and contrast the two methods to determine which approach is more effective and you will know which one to go with.

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What is Singapore Math?

Singapore Math vs Everyday Math

Singapore Math is a teaching method that originated in Singapore in the 1980s. It is based on the philosophy that students should master mathematical concepts before moving on to more advanced topics. This approach is also known as the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) method.

The CPA method involves teaching math concepts in three stages. The first stage is the concrete stage, where students learn using concrete objects such as blocks or cubes. The second stage is the pictorial stage, where students use pictures to represent the objects they learned in the first stage. The third stage is the abstract stage, where students use mathematical symbols to represent the objects they learned in the first two stages.

Check out: Mathnasium vs Singapore Math [ Best Choice]

What are the Benefits of Singapore Math?

Singapore Math has several benefits, including:

  1. Focused and rigorous curriculum: The Singapore Math curriculum covers fewer topics but is in-depth. This allows students to build a strong foundation of math concepts and develop a deep understanding of mathematical principles.
  2. Emphasis on mental math: Singapore Math places a strong emphasis on mental math skills. Students learn to solve problems in their heads, which helps them develop number sense and strengthens their problem-solving skills.
  3. Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach: The CPA approach used in Singapore Math helps students visualize math concepts and understand them better. It starts with hands-on learning using physical objects, moves on to visual representations, and finally to abstract symbols and equations.
  4. Problem-solving skills: Singapore Math is designed to help students develop strong problem-solving skills. It teaches students how to approach and solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  5. International recognition: Singaporean students consistently rank among the top performers in international math assessments. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the Singapore Math approach and its ability to produce students who excel in math.

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What is Everyday Math?

Singapore Math vs Everyday Math

Everyday Math is a teaching method developed in the United States in the 1980s. It is a student-centered approach that focuses on the practical application of math in everyday life. This method emphasizes the use of games, manipulatives, and real-world examples to teach math concepts.

The Everyday Math approach involves teaching math in four areas: number and numeration, operations and computation, data and chance, and geometry and measurement. It also encourages problem-solving and critical thinking skills in students.

What are the Benefits of Everyday Math?

Everyday Math has several benefits, including:

  1. Practical application: Everyday Math is designed to help students see the practical application of math in their daily lives. It teaches math concepts in a way that students can relate to and helps them understand how math is used in real-world situations.
  2. Student-centered approach: Everyday Math uses a student-centered approach that encourages active participation and engagement. It allows students to take ownership of their learning and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Variety of teaching methods: Everyday Math uses a variety of teaching methods, including games, manipulatives, and real-world examples, to teach math concepts. This helps students stay engaged and interested in the subject.
  4. Focus on problem-solving: Everyday Math places a strong emphasis on problem-solving skills. It teaches students how to approach and solve problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  5. Wide range of topics: Everyday Math covers a wide range of math topics, including geometry, data analysis, and algebra. This provides students with a comprehensive understanding of math and prepares them for advanced studies in the subject.

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Comparison Between Singapore Math vs Everyday Math

  • Focus: Singapore Math focuses on building a strong foundation of math concepts, starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced topics. On the other hand, Everyday Math focuses on practical applications of math and problem-solving skills.
  • Teaching Method: Singapore Math uses the CPA method, which involves teaching math concepts in three stages – concrete, pictorial, and abstract. This method helps students visualize math concepts and understand them better. In contrast, Everyday Math uses a student-centered approach that emphasizes the practical application of math in everyday life.
  • Curriculum: Singapore Math has a focused and rigorous curriculum that covers fewer topics but is in-depth. It also has a strong emphasis on mental math and problem-solving skills. In contrast, Everyday Math covers a wide range of topics, but not in-depth.
  • Assessment: Singapore Math uses frequent and regular assessments to monitor student progress and provide feedback to both students and teachers. This approach helps identify areas that need improvement and helps students stay on track. On the other hand, Everyday Math uses less frequent assessments and focuses more on student participation and engagement.

See also: Mathnasium vs Singapore Math [ Best Choice]

Singapore Math vs Everyday Math: Which Approach is More Effective?

Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. However, research has shown that Singapore Math has a better track record of producing students who excel in math. This is evidenced by the fact that Singaporean students consistently rank among the top performers in international math assessments.

Singapore Math’s focused and rigorous curriculum, combined with the CPA method, has proven to be an effective way of teaching math. It helps students develop a deep understanding of math concepts and encourages problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Read also: Bridges Math vs Singapore Math: Which Curriculum is Best for Your Students?

Conclusion On Singapore Math vs Everyday Math

Singapore Math and Everyday Math are two popular methods used in teaching math. Singapore Math is a focused and rigorous approach that emphasizes building a strong foundation of math concepts. In contrast, Everyday Math is a student-centered approach that focuses on the practical application of math in everyday life.

While both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, research has shown that Singapore Math has a better track record of producing students who excel in math. Ultimately, the choice of which approach to use in teaching math will depend on individual needs and preferences


What distinguishes mathematics from Singapore Math?

Singapore math focuses on fewer topics but covers them in greater detail than a conventional U.S. math curriculum. Before going on to the next grade, students must master the material in each semester’s level of the Singapore math textbook.

What does Singapore Math aim to achieve?

In order to comprehend mathematical ideas and solve problems, Singapore Math employs three different methodologies. It helps students to actively think, comprehend, and communicate in order to solve mathematical issues by using the concrete to pictorial to abstract approach.

What distinguishes Saxon math from Singapore math?

Saxon demands that students commit formulas to memory, demonstrate fluency in recalling arithmetic facts, and use algorithms to resolve issues. Singapore Places a Strong Emphasis on Thinking – Singapore teachers spend more time guiding students to consider and debate verbally each part of the subject.

How many lessons are there in Singapore Math?

What is contained? Includes daily student instruction, 34 parenting lessons each week, and answers to all word puzzles. All materials follow the principles, frameworks, and lingo of the Singapore Math program. Solutions to issues from the books Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems are also available.



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