Rhodes Global Scholarships 2022-2023

Rhodes Global Scholarships

Have you applied for the Rhodes Global Scholarships yet? If NO, this is your time to do so. The Rhodes Scholarships have only been given out in 20 places until recently (representing over 60 different countries). Now, the Rhodes Scholarships are open to people from all over the world. Two new Global Scholarships make this possible (subject to nomination). The Rhodes Global Scholarship is looking for young people who are great leaders and who want to help solve global problems and spread peace and understanding around the world.

Rhodes Global Scholarships

Hosting Institution

UK’s Oxford University

Level and Areas of Study

Except for a few, any full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Oxford.

Scholarships available


Target Group

Students who don’t already live in Rhodes’s districts

What Rhodes Global Scholarships Covers

A Rhodes Scholarship pays for all University and College fees, a living stipend (£17,310 per year in 2021-22), a settling-in allowance, health insurance, a visa, and two economy-class flights to and from the UK for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford.

The scholarship usually lasts for two years, but that depends on how well the student does in school and how well they act in general.

Eligibility for What Rhodes Global Scholarships

a. Nationality/citizenship: You can only apply to the Global Scholarships if you can’t apply to Rhodes through any of the existing channels. If you have a strong connection to one or more Rhodes constituencies but don’t meet their eligibility requirements, you should also think about inter-jurisdictional consideration instead of the Global Scholarship.

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b. Age:

Either of the following must be true:

i. On October 1, 2022, you must be at least 18 years old and not yet 24. (i.e. you must have been born after 1 October 1998 and on or before 1 October 2004).

OR (for older candidates who completed their first undergraduate degree later than usual)

ii. On October 1, 2022, you can’t be older than 27 (which means you were born after October 1, 1995) and you must have met or be on track to meet the academic requirements for completing your first undergraduate degree on or after October 1, 2021*.

c. Academic achievement: You must have already finished or will have finished by July 2023 an undergraduate degree (usually a Bachelor’s degree) with an academic background and grade that at least meets or exceeds the specific entry requirements of your chosen full-time course at the University of Oxford.

Because there is a lot of competition from around the world for spots at the University of Oxford, applicants will have a better chance of getting in if they have a First Class Honours Degree or the equivalent, or a GPA of 3.70 or higher out of 4.0.

d. English language: You must have a high enough level of English to meet the University of Oxford’s English language proficiency requirements (at the Higher Level).

e. If you don’t get a Rhodes Scholarship the first time you apply, you can only try again once (and in the same constituency), as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

How to Apply for Rhodes Global Scholarships

On June 1, 2022, people can start applying.

You won’t be able to apply for the Global Scholarship unless your University has already put you forward. You need a letter of nomination from your university in order to apply for the Global Scholarship. Please keep in mind that you can’t put yourself forward. You will need to fill out the application form with the information of a suitable nominator, and you won’t be able to send in your application until they have sent in their nomination.

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You must submit your application online by 11:59 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on August 1, 2022. All supporting documents must be uploaded at the same time.

Read the “Information for Global Candidates” and go to the official website (link below) to find out how to apply for this scholarship in detail.

Click here to apply

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